Wednesday, July 11, 2012

An invitation to Stage 32

You've been invited to Stage 32

You've been invited to join Stage 32 , the fastest growing network for film, television and theater creatives. Over the last 6 months, more than 60,000 talented people from 175 countries have joined the Stage 32 movement. Stage 32 is exclusively for seasoned pros, motivated industry newcomers and students to gather, discuss new ideas and develop great projects. We join actor with director, director with producer and producer with cast and crew.

Stage 32 helps you stay informed, grow your network and use your connections to help you find work or get projects off the ground. It's like Facebook meets LinkedIn for creatives!

As the saying goes, "It's not what you know, it's who you know."

Click here to accept your invitation to Stage 32:

-- The Stage 32 Team

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7302 E Helm Dr
Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

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Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Lingerie Giveaway :)

Ok, so im sure you're all probably wondering, have i lost my mind? Why am i buying two new sets of lingerie for two lucky ladies?  Well, im sweet, thats why! :-D I came across a bonus and wanted to share it with my friends so, short of hopefully getting to see a few pictures of it, we decided to put our bonuses together (me and my webbie here that some of you know) and get two lucky ladies a sexy outfit for christmas :)

What id like to ask for, is suggestions from you on the outfits :)  Go ahead and dream, im not sure of our price range just yet but, we'll take all suggestions, our idea was a sexy bra panty and stockings or hose but if someone finds a sexy nightie or something they'd enjoy more, that works for us too :)

So, using the comments, post links to things youd like to get, and to enter, simply email me at or message me on yahoo and i can always get you his cell # to text and suck up to him too to try to win ;)

So, looking forward to your suggestions!!!!  happy holidays readers!!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

christmas giveaway :)

Ok webbie and i are going together to buy some sexy lingerie for two of my sexy ladies for christmas...itll be at least a bra panties and stockings...but possibly a sexy teddy instead too me at if youd like to enter...or comment here...we'll take people til december 10th :) just a thank you for being a friend or reader!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

happy thanksgiving!

Sorry for being late but happy thanksgiving to all :) love ya!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Monday, October 11, 2010

new story deal ;)

Hey ya'll most of you know my deal with pictures to get a story but...if youd like a dif option im willing to take a pair of panties ;) after all...we all need to enjoy ourselves ;) love ya'll <3 paiger
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.2

Sunday, October 10, 2010

happy 10 day!

Happy 10-10-10 ya'll! What are you doing on this beautiful day! Im off for my run then a great lunch with friends :) have a few prospects for stories so...keep checking in w us! Love ya! <3 Paiger
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.2

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


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Problems getting a bra orr.. try a little black hat!

Phil started this, but, figured id post for him since he seems to have quit since november ;)

For about a week my friend Beth had been on my back to let her come over and stay the night with me. Nothing against her but i was feeling pretty busy and had just recently broken up with my girlfriend of almost a year.

I told her that i would do my best to see her that friday.

Friday night rolls around and i get the text i knew was coming. Right off the bat i could tell she wasnt going to let me get around not seeing her, like an idiot i played all the cards i could think of to get me out of this. She even asked my room mates if i was actually doing anything, of course letting her know i was home all night. Eventually i broke down and said ok, that i would come and pick her up at 2.

Before i go on anymore i should let you all in on who Beth really is. she is an 18 year old Virgin, she is a virgin because she is a devout mennonite... that is for you who dont know a religious group, think a modern Omish. these was no tv in her house, she could ONLY!!!!! a long black dress that covered her whole body when she was outside the house. another thing that was part of this faith is that all women had to wear what is called a "veil" its a small cap that they wear on the back of there head i dont know why.. She is a pretty girl. long blonde hair, 5'6 not over weight but she had a bit extra, large perky tits, a nice round ass, and the tightest pussy iv ever felt.


Love me some baseball readers!! Goooooo phillies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Who do ya'll want to win this year???

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hi Readers:)

Wow! Its been wayyyy to long!  Alot has happened to me recently with work, etc so I havent been around, in fact I just deleted 3600 emails! haha!  So if you emailed me and I didnt reply, sorry about that! :) Hopefully i'll be around a little more :)

Anyway!  if anyone would like a story, hit me up in email or if you see me on chat here, and we'll get that rolling ;) Love ya'll!!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy Birthday To me:)

Thanks all for the bday wishes the last few days:) Love ya!!!

Also, the blog is alot more lively with 6 writers now (love you guys!!!!) but id love to add more, if you love writing or reading and thinking your up to posting some erotic stories or even thoughts (like my short ones about masturbating before i go to bed hehe) hit me up, or and let me know, id love to chat with ya about you writing too!!! The more the horni....merrier :)

Nite babes!!!